Awarded by the President for Exporting 20 Million USD in 2020.

//Awarded by the President for Exporting 20 Million USD in 2020.

Awarded by the President for Exporting 20 Million USD in 2020.

Genmix Technology has exported 20 Million USD’s in 2020, Despite the Global COVID-19 crisis over the world.

Genmix has been rapidly exporting to the world over 20 Million USD’s and overcame the pandemic crisis.
It has been multi growing years for Genmix also at 2020.

We have achieved quite a accomplishment this year and working hard for higher goals.
In Genmix, everything is a new challenge to overcome and achieve. Genmix’s manufacturing Facility has grew even more than 2019, and new offices.
When You are looking for innovations, please don’t hesitate to contact Genmix Technology!
Genmix is the right solution to look for and to trust.



By | 2021-01-08T16:04:08+09:00 1월 8th, 2021|event|0 Comments